Crafted by many

Edin Rotokauri will not result from the strong will of a single source. It will result from participation, passion and collaboration.

It will be crafted by those who share a vision, and a willingness to apply their passion. It is available to those with the right mindset, a willing attitude and a commitment to quality. Those who can see an opportunity and are energised to deliver a difference. Edin Rotokauri will result from working together with shared values, and an unwavering commitment to the new.

“There is but one eye of a needle, through which white, black and red cotton are threaded" (Kingi Pōtatau Te Wherowhero)

Early engagement and partnership with local stakeholders have already begun to create Edin Rotokauri in unity and collective wisdom. We're excited to have now ignited trust-based, values-centric collaborations with our mana whenua, environment & ecological organisations, community volunteers, local government, academia, charities and build partners - just to name a view.

Come and join us at the beginning, register your interest

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